Radiating Charge

Radiating Charge Screenshot
  • Electromagnetic Radiation
  • Dipole Radiation
  • Electric Field


  • Electromagnetic Radiation
  • Dipole Radiation
  • Electric Field
  • Speed of Light


The electric field lines from a point charge evolve in time as the charge moves. Watch radiation propagate outward at the speed of light as you wiggle the charge. Stop a moving charge to see bremsstrahlung (braking) radiation. Explore the radiation patterns as the charge moves with sinusoidal, circular, or linear motion. You can move the charge any way you like, as long as you don’t exceed the speed of light.

Sample Learning Goals

  • How the radial field line density depends on the speed of a charge in linear motion (compression of field lines).
  • How the anisotropy of the field pattern depends on sinusoidal vs. circular motion.
  • How the applied force and motion are related in relativistic dynamics (constant force does not result in faster-than-light travel).
  • How acceleration produces transverse fields, while constant velocity produces radial fields.
  • For sinusoidal motion, which produces dipole radiation, the field lines evolve from radial and static-like nearby, to transverse and plane-wave-like far away.
  • How sudden deceleration of a charge produces bremsstrahlung (braking) radiation.
Version 1.03

Teacher-Submitted Activities

How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program? This contribution was designed by PhET. Sarah Borenstein MS Other Biology
Earth Science
MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment Elyse Zimmer MS
Other Chemistry

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Chinese (Traditional) All 中文 (台灣) Run now 電荷輻射
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Dutch All Nederlands Run now Radiating Charge
Finnish All suomi Run now Säteilevä varaus
French All français Run now Charge radiante
German All Deutsch Run now Strahlende Ladung
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Italian All italiano Run now Carica radiante
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Portuguese (Brazil) All português (Brasil) Run now Irradiando Carga
Serbian All Српски Run now Зрачење наелектрисања у кретању
Slovak All Slovenčina Run now Žiarenie náboja
Spanish All español Run now Carga Radiante
Spanish (Mexico) All español (México) Run now Carga Radiante
Spanish (Peru) All español (Perú) Run now Carga Radiante
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Design Team Third-party Libraries Thanks To
  • Michael Dubson (lead designer/developer)
  • Ariel Paul (development/interviews)