Virtual workshops, courses, and webinars

Take a workshop in person

Members of the PhET team regularly offer workshops for K-12 teachers and college faculty on how to teach with PhET simulations. Register to receive email updates.

Explore workshops online

If you can't make one of our in-person workshops, you can download and review materials from previous workshops, or take an online workshop.

Model PhET Workshops

K12 Workshops

Undergraduate Workshops

  • Chemistry (Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, 2012)
  • Physics (ZIP; American Association of Physics Teachers, 2007, 4-hours)

Designing research studies around use of PhET 

  • Physics (ZIP; American Association of Physics Teachers, 2009, 4-hours)

Give a workshop to your colleagues

We have workshop materials and guides to support you in giving workshops as part of your own professional development and outreach activities, including workshops in developing countries.


WorkshopsThese materials are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. Feel free to use them, but with attribution to PhET, University of Colorado Boulder.