Our project originally focused on physics sims, and was hence named the *Ph*ysics *E*ducation *T*echnology project, or *PhET*. When we branched into chemistry, biology, mathematics and other areas, we decided to keep the name *PhET*, but to no longer describe it as an acronym.

Click the "Embed" button under the simulation you would like to embed. This will bring up a text box of html code that you can copy and paste in order to embed the sim. Flash sims may be directly embedded or linked via an image to launch the sim. Java sims may only be linked via an image to launch the sim.

Some LMS may require you to use "https://" for the URL of the simulation.

We offer an iPad app and an Android app that each allow native, offline use of all of our HTML5 sims. Both versions are $0.99 and proceeds fund more HTML5 sim development.

Both apps can be volume purchased by schools or other organizations looking for multiple licenses.
iOS Volume Purchase Program
*Android Managed Google Play
*Buying apps that support bulk licenses is currently available to customers in the U.S. and Canada.

Specific steps for bulk purchasing the PhET Android app can be found here: https://phet.colorado.edu/en/help-center/running-sims/android#q52-header

The PhET HTML5 and Javascript source code lives on the PhET GitHub page. The PhET Java, Flash, and Flex source code lives in a Subversion repository. To get more information about accessing, see the Source Code page.

All simulations available at http://phet.colorado.edu are open educational resources available under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY).

Permission is granted to freely use, share, or redistribute PhET sims under the CC-BY license. The following attribution is required:

PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder

If your use includes redistribution of the simulations, please let us know by completing this form.

No license is required. PhET Simulations are an open education resource and can be freely used by you and your students.

No license is needed for research use. Please let us know about your research by completing this form.

We are happy to accept new ideas and suggestions for improvements about existing simulations. Submit your ideas here!

Not all activities have answers. Some activity authors will share answer keys will fellow teachers - try emailing the author of the activity.

Yes! You can insert our HTML5 sims into a PowerPoint presentation using our Office Mix app

This add-in works in: PowerPoint 2013 Service Pack 1 or later, PowerPoint 2016 for Mac, PowerPoint 2016 or later, PowerPoint Online.

For information on getting Office Add-ins for Powerpoint, see this link.

PhET is covered under the University of Colorado privacy policy which can be found here: http://www.cu.edu/privacy-policy

PhET iOS app Privacy Policy

PhET Android app Privacy Policy

We are here to support your remote learning needs. See our remote teaching tips and early access to sims in progress.