Atomic Interactions

Atomic Interactions Screenshot
  • Interaction Potential
  • Atomic Bonding
  • Van der Waals Force
Java Logo Original Sim and Translations


  • Interaction Potential
  • Atomic Bonding
  • Van der Waals Force
  • Pauli Repulsion
  • Lennard-Jones Potential
  • Atomic Interactions


Explore the interactions between various combinations of two atoms. Observe the total force acting on the atoms or the individual attractive and repulsive forces. Customize the attraction to see how changing the atomic diameter and interaction strength affects the interaction.

Sample Learning Goals

  • Explain how attractive and repulsive forces govern the interaction between atoms.
  • Describe the effect of potential well depth on atomic interactions.
  • Contrast the potential well of a bonded pair of atoms with unbonded pairs.
  • Describe bonds as dynamic and bond lengths as average distances.
Version 1.1.0

Teacher Tips

Download teacher tips PDF Overview of sim controls, model simplifications, and insights into student thinking ( PDF ).

Teacher-Submitted Activities

Intermolecular Forces and States of Matter - Interactive Lecture Demonstration A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines. This contribution was designed by PhET. Ted Clark, Julia Chamberlain UG-Intro Demo Chemistry
States of Matter (Inquiry based) Phase Change and Phase diagrams A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines. This contribution was designed by PhET. Trish Loeblein UG-Intro
Lab Chemistry
How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program? This contribution was designed by PhET. Sarah Borenstein MS Other Earth Science
PhET Sims Aligned to the Chemistry Curriculum This contribution was designed by PhET. Julia Chamberlain HS
Other Chemistry
Mapping of PhET and IBDP Physics Jaya Ramchandani HS Other Physics
MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment Elyse Zimmer HS
Other Biology
Preguntas de razonamiento para todas las simulaciones HTML5 A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines. This contribution was designed by PhET. Diana López K-5
SECUNDARIA: Alineación PhET con programas de la SEP México (2011 y 2017) This contribution was designed by PhET. Diana López HS
Other Biology
PREPARATORIA: Alineación de PhET con programas de la DGB México (2017) This contribution was designed by PhET. Diana López HS
Other Chemistry

Language Download or Run Tips
Albanian All shqip Run now Bashkëveprimet Atomike
Arabic All العربية Run now التفاعلات الذرية
Azerbaijani All Azerbaijani Run now Atomlararası qarşılıqlı təsirlər
Basque All Euskara Run now Atomoen arteko elkarrekintzak
Belarusian All беларускі Run now Узаемадзеянне атамаў
Bosnian All Bosanski Run now Interakcije atoma
Chinese (Simplified) All 中文 (中国) Run now 原子的相互作用
Chinese (Traditional) All 中文 (台灣) Run now Atomic Interactions_原子交互作用
Croatian All hrvatski Run now Interakcije između atoma
Danish All Dansk Run now Atomers vekselvirkning
Dutch All Nederlands Run now Interacties tussen atomen
Estonian All Eesti Run now Aatomitevaheline vastastikmõju
Finnish All suomi Run now Atomien vuorovaikutukset
French All français Run now Interactions atomiques
German All Deutsch Run now Atomare Wechselwirkung
Greek All Ελληνικά Run now Ατομικές Αλληλεπιδράσεις
Gujarati All Gujarati Run now પરમાણુ ક્રિયા પ્રતિક્રિયાઓ - નિકુંજ સવાણી દ્વારા
Hebrew All עברית Run now אינטראקציות בין אטומים
Hindi All हिंदी Run now परमाण्विक इंटरेक्शन 
Hungarian All magyar Run now Atomi kölcsönhatások
Irish All Gaeilge Run now Idirghníomhaíochtaí Adamhacha
Italian All italiano Run now Interazioni atomiche
Japanese All 日本語 Run now 原子間相互作用
Kazakh All Kazakh Run now Атомдардың өзара әсерлесуі
Korean All 한국어 Run now 원자간 상호작용
Latvian All Latviešu Run now Atomu mijiedarbība
Mongolian All Монгол (Монгол) Run now Атомын харилцан үйлчлэл
Norwegian Bokmal All Norsk bokmål Run now Atomære vekselvirkninger
Persian All فارسی Run now برهم کنش های اتمی
Polish All polski Run now Oddziaływanie atomów
Portuguese All português Run now Interações Atómicas
Portuguese (Brazil) All português (Brasil) Run now Interações Atômicas Download teacher tips PDF
Russian All русский Run now Взаимодействие атомов
Serbian All Српски Run now Атомске интеракције
Slovak All Slovenčina Run now Interakcia medzi atómami
Spanish All español Run now Interacciones Atómicas Download teacher tips PDF
Spanish (Mexico) All español (México) Run now Interacciones atómicas Download teacher tips PDF
Spanish (Peru) All español (Perú) Run now Interacciones Atómicas
Spanish (Spain) All español (España) Run now Interacciones atómicas
Tamil All Tamil Run now அணுக்களுக்கிடையிலான கவர்ச்சி விசை
Turkish All Türkçe Run now Atomik etkileşimler
Vietnamese All Tiếng Việt Run now Tương tác nguyên tử

HTML5 sims can run on iPads and Chromebooks, as well as PC, Mac, and Linux systems.

iOS 12+ Safari
iPad compatible sims

Not officially supported. If you are using the HTML5 sims on Android, we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome.

Latest version of Google Chrome
The HTML5 and Flash PhET sims are supported on all Chromebooks.
Chromebook compatible sims

Windows Systems:
Microsoft Edge, latest version of Firefox, latest version of Google Chrome.

Macintosh Systems:
macOS 10.9.5+, Safari 9+, latest version of Chrome.

Linux Systems:
Not officially supported. Please contact with troubleshooting issues.

Design Team Third-party Libraries Thanks To
  • Yuen-ying Carpenter (lead designer, HTML5)
  • Amy Rouinfar (lead designer, HTML5)
  • Paul Beale (lead designer, Java)
  • Sarah McKagan (lead designer, Java)
  • Emily Moore (lead designer, Java)
  • Noah Podelefsky (lead designer, Java)
  • John Blanco (developer)
  • Wendy Adams
  • Jack Barbera
  • Amy Hanson
  • Kelly Lancaster
  • Ariel Paul
  • Kathy Perkins
  • Carl Wieman
  • almond-0.2.9.js
  • base64-js-1.2.0.js
  • FileSaver-b8054a2.js
  • font-awesome-4.5.0
  • game-up-camera-1.0.0.js
  • he-1.1.1.js
  • himalaya-0.2.7.js
  • jama-1.0.2
  • jquery-2.1.0.js
  • lodash-4.17.4.js
  • pegjs-0.7.0.js
  • seedrandom-2.4.2.js
  • text-2.0.12.js
  • TextEncoderLite-3c9f6f0.js
  • Actual Concepts