PhET Simulations Android App Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 26, 2019

PhET Interactive Simulations and University of Colorado Boulder (“the CU PhET team”, “we”, or “us”) are deeply committed to protecting your privacy and creating a safe and secure environment for learners of all ages. This Privacy Policy applies to your use of the PhET Simulations Android app, and only the Android app. For information about use of PhET simulations and related resources on the PhET website, visit the PhET website.

In connection with your use of the PhET Simulations Android app, NO personally identifiable information is collected by the CU PhET team. The PhET Simulations Android app is meant to provide educational simulations to a wide audience. As we strive to collect the minimum amount of information needed to advance our educational mission, we have determined that there is no need for the collection of personal data within this app.

Some non-personally identifiable information is collected in order to ensure that the simulations are running correctly, and to report to funding agencies on the impact of the PhET simulations globally. Specifically, when you run a simulation, information is collected via Google Analytics’ standard web statistics services, with flags to anonymize the IP address and to prevent Google Analytics from using cookies. In addition, we record an IP-anonymized log message to our servers that includes the following information: simulation name, simulation version, simulation language, timestamp, domain, URL, referrer, simulation type, type of device, and browser information. These statistics allow us to count the number of runs for each simulation, create reports on the usage of the simulations by language and country, and to distinguish app simulation runs from simulation runs on various websites.

We also have access to some standard aggregated data (e.g. sales, sessions, crashes) related to the PhET Simulations app that is provided to app developers through Google’s Play Console. However, we have NO access to any personally-identifiable information through this service.

If you have questions about this privacy policy, you may submit a written inquiry to